Welcome! My name is Janette, and I'm an addict.

First, let me clarify that – I'm addicted to art. (And possibly coffee.)

Second, let’s address the ears & whiskers in this pic.

I hopped into the world on Easter Sunday, so the nickname Bunny came quite naturally, and stuck through adulthood. It’s baked into my identity, much like my perpetual sweet tooth and affinity for pink.

Surrounded by loving family (human and furry), home has always been my sanctuary, and provides my center. That emotional grounding allows my inspiration and interests to run wild, oft times intersecting where sky meets sea.

I’ve always been a visual person, and expressing myself through drawing started from the time I could hold a crayon. Words came later, and I’m quite fond of them as well. My favorite thing is bouncing between the two, as I've done most of my professional career.

JanArt Design is the culmination of my fondest dreams and favorite memories. Powered by creativity, there's usually a pen in my hand, a picture in my head, and prose in my heart.

Art is a passion I'm thrilled to be able to pursue, and I plan on leaving a carbon footprint of shimmering pastels and breathtaking brights.

Glad you stopped by;
I hope our paths cross again soon.

May every day greet you with
bright-eyed, bushy-tailed enthusiasm.

Or at least some carrot cake.

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